Global Woman Tech Forum FAQ's

1. Why has Global Woman Tech Forum in London been postponed?

We are all aware now of the escalating coronavirus situation (COVID -19) and the circumstances have rapidly changed for many companies and individuals. We at Global Woman have been following the events on the news and at the same time we have been constantly communicating with our leaders and the members of our community in many countries around the world and we all share the same calling: Women are a huge support in situations like this but at the same time we need to look after ourselves and our families. This is a challenge that we can overcome and be stronger together, but we have come to the conclusion that regardless of any government decisions, the Global Woman Tech Forum will be postponed and instead we will use technology to bring it to you live through our online platform and social media.

2. When is the next date for the event?

The Global Woman team will follow up with all of you who have booked a ticket and once we decide for the date you will be the first to know. The event will still take place in Central London. Once the coronavirus has substantially abated we will be able to announce the new date

3. Will my ticket be transferred automatically for the next event?


4. I have not booked my ticket yet but I would like to attend the event for the next date? Can I still join?

If we are able to change the venue we may have a bigger room, and then you will be able to join us. If you register your interest, we can then let you know. 

Here is the link to register and we will come back to you.

5. I had registered my interest to attend the event but I haven’t heard back. Does that mean that I am on the waiting list for the next event?


6. If I can’t attend the event for the next date that you will announce, will I receive a refund?

Once we have announced the new date for the postponed conference, we will provide the relevant information regarding refunds.

7. How do I register to follow the live stream forum?

Please register your interest here and we will send you all the details how to join us.

8. I have already booked the early bird ticket and have tickets for two guests. Can they still use these tickets for the next date event?


9. Can my guests register for FREE for the live stream forum?


10. Can I still attend for free the live stream forum if I didn't book a ticket?

Yes. You can watch the live stream, but those who have booked a ticket can also access the trainings in the Global Woman Academy.

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